Annual Meetings
Annual Meetings are usually held at the end of September or the beginning of
October. We try to alternate each year between eastern and western Canada.
Students who wish to make a presentation can apply for travel assistance.
Annual Meeting 2000
Penticton Trade & Convention Centre, Penticton, British Columbia
September 22-25, 2000
Symposia have been proposed for:
1. Volunteer monitoring programs: A review of results of monitoring programs in Canada. Find out what's happening in your region and with the national Frogwatch Program.
2. Wetland Conservation Issues: Amphibians and many reptiles depend on wetlands, yet these wetlands are often overlooked in planning decisions. The use by amphibians and reptiles of corridors between these wetlands is still not understood. Keynote speakers will address these issues.
3. Important Amphibian and Reptile Areas: To raise awareness of the habitats that are significant for these animals, CARCNET is establishing a recognition system of Important Amphibian Areas and Important Reptile Areas across Canada. A workshop will be held in which YOU can nominate these sites from your area.
These symposia are in addition to our regular program of contributed papers and posters related to amphibian and reptile conservation issues and herpertological research.
Why Penticton and the Okanagan?
The Okanagan Valley lies like the neck of an hourglass between the vast boreal forest to the north and the Great Basin deserts to the south. This critical position, when combined with the altitudinal range in the valley, the chain of large lakes, and the flow of moist air off the Pacific at high elevations, produces an abundance of animal and plant species found in few other places in Canada or even North America
Add Ogopogo to your Life List!
Participate in the Great Canadian Herp Quiz! Amaze (or amuse!) your colleagues!
Compete for the best student paper award at the conference! $250!!!!!
Drink beer! Drink wine! The Okanagan is the best wine-growing area in Canada!!
Take part in the South Okanagan Grasslands and Desert Field Trip on Monday!!
Okanagan Facts:
The Okanagan Region contains Canada's only desert. Watch out for cactus!
The shrub-grassland habitat of the South Okanagan is one of Canada's most endangered natural areas, and the focus of COSEWIC's first Ecosystem Recovery Team.
The Okanagan is home to 9 species of amphibians (including the Red-listed Tiger Salamander and Blue-listed Great Basin Spadefoot) and 11 species of reptiles (not counting Ogopogo, but including the Red-listed Night Snake and Blue-listed Rubber Boa, Racer, Gopher Snake, Western Rattlesnake, and Painted Turtle).
The Okanagan also contains a significant proportion of the province's rare plants, invertebrates and bats. Two shrew species new to Canada have been discovered there in the last two years.
The 5th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Network
Online registration and call for papers submission forms are ready. Click on the links below.
Registration Form in PDF format 
Call for Papers
Travel and Accomodations
If you would like more information on the conference please send your name, address, e-mail, fax and telephone number to:
Laura Friis
PO Box 9374, Stn Prov Gov.
Victoria, BC V8W 9M4
Phone (250)387-9755
Fax (250) 356-9145
E-mail: [email protected]
Larry Halverson
Kootenay National Park Box 220
Radium Hot Springs, BC V0A 1M0
Phone: (250) 347-2207
Fax: (250) 347-9980
Email: [email protected]
Organizing Committee: Larry Halverson, Laura Friis, Elke Wind, Christine Bishop, Orville Dyer, Claudia Houwers, Pamela Hengeveld, Dennis St. John, Kim Goddard & Dave Cunnington